So a very dear friend repeatedly, and not quite surreptitiously, has been urging me to blog about my life because "it's so full of new and interesting things!" according to him. Well, I'm honored and flattered that you think that way, sweetie. It's just life to me. But in high hopes that my life events can become good reading, I find myself with a day off from work, so... here it goes again. My life of constant curvatures.
Since the last time I blogged (9/11/2005, about a year!) I have since:
- Been promoted from Assistant to General Manager of an academic publishing company in the vicinity of Harvard Square (A note to all you high-ball hopefuls: I was promoted within 3 months of starting at the company without relevant experience, only a deep sense of professionalism and organization).
- As General Manager, seen my personal, romantic, and social life disappear before my clouded eyes, my overall stress level increase, and unhappiness level decrease, to the point of physical debilitation. Hey now! On the flip side, the bonus of that life-giving effort was the rewarding experience of achieving a complete turn-around of the structure and organizational systems of the company, a complete overhaul of the company marketing and advertising campaigns, customer service, image and website presentation, and a 300% increase of circulation of several company products.
- Left my job as General Manager. If I were asked the reason why, I would say that after bringing the company into the black, the vision and direction that the owner wanted for the company did not agree with my own. In absolute honesty and in perhaps unwanted detail, it was because the relationship of owner/general manager was an abusive one - both due to personality, business, and cultural differences, which may possibly be a stressor for any intelligent, self-respecting, competent person. The company products themselves are outstanding due to the solid collaboration of the international editorial boards. All I can say still now, after trying to convey this message to the owner, is this: Given a more coherent business plan/vision and corporate relationship structure, it would become a wonderful place to work and succeed. It still dumbfounds me as to how different "business common sense" is to different people, yet many still make it with what they have. This should give me inspiration...
- Spent the end of July and all of August decidedly not working, trying to recooperate from overdoing myself and my nerves at my previous place of employment.
- To continue, I went to a therapist who was with me while I negotiated my resignation at the publishing company, and who recommended going to a Stress-Reduction Program at the Mind/Body Medical Institute in Chestnut Hill, Boston. After researching it and finding out that it was covered by my insurance, I signed up for the program that started on September 7th! How could I resist learning about meditation, yoga, nutrition, exercise, and the Relaxation Response! (Yeah, I don't know if I'm being sarcastic yet, either. Read on.)
- However, despite my glorious plans to go unemployed for a few months to "seriously" figure out what I wanted as a career for life (again, for at least the 4th time), after a few weeks into it, I decided I wanted my hair cut off. Short. To hell with all removable burdens! So my hair used to go down to the middle of my back. Then, in the pursuit of grandor and all things hopeful, I research the top salon in Harvard Square (gotta stay close to home, after all!) and come upon a classily represented place on the web called Gino Salon. After wavering between Gino and Alfred Salon, I choose Gino and book a "Can I come in today?" hair appointment. It coincidentally and luckily was a booking with Marisol, who has had 13 years experience and is one of the best at the salon (or so I read on CitySearch after the fact). My appointment with Marisol was where two things happened: a wonderful and liberating hair transformation was one. The second was enlightenment that: "Hey, being a hair stylist would be really exciting and fulfilling. I could help people therapeutically through consulting with their inner needs and improving their natural self-esteem and image." The thought conjured up unremembered memories of walking by this small, local salon in Cornell's Collegetown that had the sign on its windows, "Stylist wanted. Will train." and thinking that I would have been interested in pursuing that option, had I had my real way with my own life decisions.
- In logical conclusion, therefore, I chose yet again to put aside my superb collegiate training in Computer Science and pursue what I thought at that time may have been a whim, a burst of that juicy adrenaline and euphoric hormones which give men the will to climb mountains and build airplanes. I chose to look up Beauty and Cosmetology Schools in the area and found Empire and Blaine, among others. After visiting them and finding them all fine and comfortably non-sketchy, with a Lisa-friendly period of schooling (only 8 months full-time), I decided the best bet, since all them schools require a sum greater than my life savings, was to do some simple low-stress investigation in the form of Receptionist at a high-end salon, where I would want to work as a stylist on my way up to the top, and determine if I am willing to make the investment.
- That pretty much brings us to today, the here and now, I currently work as a Receptionist working hourly wages for a high-end salon on Newbury Street. Been here for two weeks, feeling out the industry, the people, the attitudes, the chance for progress for a lass like me. It's an interesting and confounding change, being involved in an industry where there are so many different types of personalities and so many levels of intelligence, business sense, and drive. After all, being a stylist really is like working for yourself, developing your own set, however large or small, of specific clientelle. This is no simple task, the likes of which require proper marketing, service, skill, and follow-up, just like a business operation.
Lots more in my mind, but it's already 11pm! More reporting to come as my dear friends push for more! This means you. ;)
- Latas.